Fall Coed Powerlifting Throwdown!
Sat, Nov 21
|Online Event, Zoom!
A-Team Athletics and Garage Gym Life Media are joining forces to host an EPIC, live online powerlifting meet via Zoom! Join us, have fun, and win some AWESOME prizes from our incredible sponsors!

Time & Location
Nov 21, 2020, 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM EST
Online Event, Zoom!
About the event
A-Team Athletics and Garage Gym Life Media are joining forces to host an EPIC, live online RAW powerlifting meet via Zoom!
This meet is sponsored in part by:
BATL Fitness, who will be giving away two power bars to the overall male and female winners!
Garage Gym Life Media, A-Team Athletics, & StrengthMerch, who will be giving away gifts to winners!
G Code Nutrition, Spud Inc., & Home Gym Built will also be giving away gifts!
We will have early bird registration prices ($35) until September 30th (limited to 15 registrants), regular registration ($50) until October 31st, and late registration ($65) until November 14th. We encourage you to sign up early to get the best pricing!
**Flights A & B are no longer open, anyone registering for Flights A or B should select C or D, or your flight will be selected for you.**
Each additional cross-over event will be $25 until October 31st, and $45 until November 14th. Lifters who are signed up by November 14th may add additional cross-over events through competition day for $45 per event.
A cross-over event is where the lifter signs up for more than one category. You may sign up for as many categories you qualify for to increase your chances of winning prizes! Each 1st-3rd place winner in each category will win a prize.
Communications will be via e-mail. Please provide an e-mail that you will check regularly and add Melissa@AteamAthleticsOnline.com to your contacts.
Buy your men's meet shirt here.
Buy your women's meet shirt here.
Registration will be limited to 60 lifters.
Judging will be based on the squat, bench press, and deadlift and will be judged LIVE via Zoom!
Each lifter will be assigned a flight by time-block.
Flight A: 9AM - 12PM **FULL**
Flight B: 12PM - 3PM **FULL**
Flight C: 3PM - 6PM
Flight D: 6PM - 9PM
Directions: 1. Register for your event(s) & division(s): - Events:
- Full Power. Squat, Bench, & Deadlift totals will be combined.
- Single Lift. Highest successful lift for the bench, and/or deadlift
- Multiple Events and Divisions. Each lifter may register for as many events as they qualify for.
- Lifters aged 18-39 can join up to three (3) events: Full Power, Bench Only, and Deadlift Only.
- Masters (40-59) and Seniors (60+) can join up to six (6) events: Open Full Power, Open Bench only, Open DL only, as well as Full Power, Bench Only, Deadlift Only for their age category.
- You must register for your projected weight class, but you will be placed in the class that you weigh in at with no penalty.
- You must submit your projected openers during weigh-ins. You may change this prior to your lifting session (within 20 lbs.)
- Weigh-ins will be held the day before and will be done via video chat on November 20th, 2020. You will be emailed to schedule your weigh-in at your preferred time on a first-come first-served basis.
- Divisions:
- Open, All Ages, 132 lbs and below
- Open, All Ages, 132.1 lbs - 148 lbs
- Open, All Ages, 148.1 lbs - 165 lbs
- Open, All Ages, 165.1 lbs - 180 lbs
- Open, All Ages, 180.1 lbs - 200 lbs
- Open, All Ages, 200.1 lbs+
- Masters, ages 40 - 59, 165 lbs and below
- Masters, ages 40 - 59, 165.1 lbs and above
- Seniors, ages 60 years and above, 165 lbs and below
- Seniors, ages 60 years and above, 165.1 lbs and above
- Open, All Ages, 165 lbs and below
- Open, All Ages, 165.1 lbs - 180 lbs
- Open, All Ages, 180.1 lbs - 200 lbs
- Open, All Ages, 200.1 lbs - 225 lbs
- Open, All Ages, 225.1 lbs - 240 lbs
- Open, All Ages, 240.1 lbs+
- Masters, ages 40 - 59, 180 lbs and below
- Masters, ages 40 - 59, 180 lbs and above
- Seniors, ages 60 years and above, 180 lbs and below
- Seniors, ages 60 years and above, 180.1 lbs and above
2. Rules & Judging below:
Please view this document for images of the lifts, and descriptions of the commands for this meet.
Rules: - You must comply with standard powerlifting rules and regulations for executing lifts, including commands, with the EXCEPTION of the "press" command for the bench press. You must still touch your chest and pause, but due to the delay in the Zoom feed, we will NOT be requiring you to wait for the press command. However, if you do not pause, you will miss the lift.
- You may use bluetooth headphones in order to connect to your phone or laptop so you may hear the judge's commands. Optionally, you can have a spotter call commands for you. It is recommended to have an experienced spotter-- If your spotter calls commands incorrectly, it will be considered a missed lift.
- You may dress in gym clothes; be aware of clothing bunching and making the lifts hard to judge. You may wear a singlet to assist judges in rating your lift. - You may wear a belt, lifters (heeled shoes), knee sleeves, wrist wraps, and any other items approved for raw competitions. - You may NOT use elbow sleeves (except during squats), knee wraps, supportive underwear/suits, supportive shirts, a slingshot, straps, or gloves.
- You will be required to be in a well lit area. If you are lifting in your garage gym, the camera must be pointed toward you from the outside in.
Live Videos: - Must include lifter's full body, as well as the barbell and weights. If the barbell is partially cropped, the lift will not count. If the lifter is partially cropped the lift will not count. - Prop the camera up at about knee or bench height (approximately 16-18" off the floor). - Camera must show the entire barbell. If the lifter or the weights are blocking the barbell, the lift will not count. You must be close enough to the lifter that the lifter takes up the entire space without too much negative space (space around the lifter).
For the squat, if the lifter is facing "12" position on a clock face, the camera should be at either the "4," "5," "7," or "8" positions. For the bench press, if the lifter's head is in the "12" position on a clock face and tail is at the "6" position, the camera should be at either the "4," "5," "7," or "8" positions.For the deadlift, if the lifter is facing the "12" position on a clock face, the camera should be either at the "1," "2," "10," or "11" positions. Please view this document for images of the proper positioning of the camera.
Each plate on one side of the bar must be clearly shown after the lift is executed by walking toward the barbell and separating the weights. Second attempts must be provided at the end of each lift. You will have 60 seconds to provide your next attempt.
Weigh in: - The lifter must weigh-in the day before the competition. We strongly discouraging "weight cuts" for this meet. We are here to have fun!
- Each lifter will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis and will be provided 5-10 minutes to complete their weigh in.
- You will be required to wear minimal clothing such as shorts and a sports bra. You may also wear a t-shirt.
- You must show that your area is clear. You must tare your scale on camera, step on, and show your weigh in for the record.
- If you are over your registered weight class, we will bump you up into the next class, but you won't lose your registration. If you are within 1 lb above your registered weight-class, you will be allowed to prop up your phone and minimize your clothing in order to make weight.
Judging: We will be judging based on standard powerlifting rules.
Squat must be walked out (even if you use a monolift), and you must show control before squatting. - Hips and knees must be locked out at the start and end of your lift - It is the lifter's responsibility to demonstrate proper depth (hip below the knee joint) - No up/down movement is allowed - Must demonstrate proper control prior to re-racking the weight - Spotters must not touch the bar or the lifter.
Bench press must be executed with a brief pause to show control. There will be no press command by the head judge, you must demonstrate the pause clearly. - Must demonstrate proper control during unracking and re-racking the weight - The lifter's butt may not come off the bench at any point of the lift - You may use a spotter for lift-off, but their hands must completely clear away from the view of the camera - Any contact with the J-hooks, uprights, or spotter-arms will be considered a failure - There may be no up/down movement.
Deadlift can be executed either conventional, or sumo-stance.
- Deadlift must be locked out at the hips and knees
- Lifter must show control prior to placing the bar down
- Lifter may not drop the bar. The bar must be placed down in a controlled fashion
- There may be no up/down movement
- Straps are not allowed. However, the lifter may use chalk on the hands and baby powder on the legs
Winners: (TBD) - There will be a winner for each age group and weight class for each division
- The winners will be determined by a panel of judges
- In the event of a tie, the lifter with the lower body weight in each category will win the category
- The lifters with the highest wilks score for the open categories for men and women will receive the overall prizes. 1st-3rd place winners in all other categories will receive prizes. We are giving away hundreds of dollars in prizes and gift cards!
- Winners will be announced TBD.
- Winners may be shared on social media platforms.
Make sure you have a strong internet connection. If judges are unable to hear or see you clearly, you may be disqualified from the competition. There are no refunds for this event.
Good luck and have fun!
**Before starting any exercise program you should be cleared by your doctor regarding any health conditions or illnesses. You agree that by participating in this challenge, you are participating at your own risk. A-Team Athletics reserves the rights to use your submissions in any marketing or promotional events, on social media, websites, or otherwise.
Spectators' Tickets
This ticket is to watch the meet only. When you arrive at the event, please make sure your audio and video are turned off.
$5.00Sale endedEarly Bird Ticket
This is your entry ticket for a single event. Purchase additional event tickets / crossover tickets below. For example: Full power open & full power masters requires two tickets (this one and a single crossover ticket) Full power open, bench only, and deadlift only would require three tickets (this one and two additional crossover tickets)
$35.00Sold OutCross-Over Tickets
Please select the number of cross-over events you'd like to register for. For example: If you would like to compete in open and masters in all categories, you'd select 5 cross-over tickets. You MUST select a regular ticket for cross-over tickets to be valid. Open: full power, bench only, deadlift only Masters: full power, bench only, deadlift only
$45.00Sale ended